Laughter and humour can greatly enhance your team's well-being in the workplace.

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, team synergy and morale are more important than ever. Laughter yoga offers a unique, energizing way to strengthen bonds, enhance communication, and foster a positive work environment.

Laughter is good for business

Why Laughter Yoga?

Laughter yoga combines playful exercises with deep breathing techniques, creating an atmosphere where stress melts away, and laughter becomes a shared experience. It’s more than just fun—it’s a proven method to:

  • Improve Communication: Break down barriers and encourage open, honest dialogue.

  • Build Trust: Shared laughter fosters trust and understanding among team members.

  • Reduce Stress: Release tension and promote relaxation in the workplace.

  • Boost Creativity: A playful mind is a creative mind. Laughter yoga can stimulate innovative thinking.

  • Enhance Team Spirit: Strengthen connections and create a positive, collaborative environment.

“What a fun class! I absolutely loved using laughter as a way to loosen up and connect with others. Walked away feeling lighter and brighter. Thank you Logan!”

Lindsey Bullock
Ecstatic Dance Facilitator

"Logan's 'Laughter Session' was exactly what we needed at our Prevention Matters Conference on Children's Rights. He had the whole group of 150 family service providers roaring in laughter. Logan reminds us of the power of laughter — something we all need more of in life!"

Connie Herman
Nobody's Perfect Provincial Coordinator, Saskatchewan Prevention Institute

“Logan, thank you for an amazing session on Saturday.  The team really enjoyed it and have been talking about it today saying things like:”
“I really loved Logan's laughter yoga, it made me feel better"
"Logan was great, he kept everybody engaged.  He was paying attention to everybody whilst keeping the group busy.  He is amazing".
"Logan did an amazing job.  Laughter yoga boosted up the mental health".
"Logan was great!"

Kate BlackBurn
Building Brains ELC
Jr Preschool Director

”Logan's Laughter Therapy session was a hit for my staff! I wasn't sure how it would be received as it required staff to break out of their comfort zone. My staff absolutely loved it! Staff talked about the session for the rest of the week. Logan did a great job in making everyone feel comfortable in their discomfort allowing staff to really benefit from the session. After the session, my staff seemed lighter, happier, more joyful. I would very much recommend Logan's Laughter Therapy for other school staff groups.”

Wynona Cenaiko
Vice Principal
St. Mary’s Wellness & Education Centre

”Logan did a great job presenting into the vacuum that is zoom. A number of staff have said that they really appreciated Logan’s presentation. While people may, or may not, have been “in the mood” to participate yesterday they’ve found what Logan had to say resonated with them. Some have mentioned that they’re trying to figure out how they might be able to introduce laugh yoga into other communities they work in. I’ve also heard a number of staff greeting each other in the hall with a clap and laugh this morning so I’d say the presentation was a success!”

Heather Wegren
Mental Health Counsellor
Strategic Facilitator
Prairie Valley School Division

”When I noticed laughter therapy on the agenda of our upcoming staff retreat, I was skeptical to say the least. How funny does this person think they are? Was just one of a few questions I had. I thought it would be a waste of time at best. I was pleasantly surprised when I walked in to see Logan, a gentleman whose path I had crossed occasionally over the years. From our past interactions I knew he was a good person, and a fun guy. I was still confused on how he was going to get us to laugh at a therapeutic level. Before I knew it, he was explaining the history of laughter therapy, and my skepticism was beginning to fade. Once the actual activities began, I was blown away. I don't know if I ever laughed that hard before! The session flew by, with my cheeks and my abs getting a workout from the non-stop laughter. I felt like I was on top of the world when the session ended. My worries and concerns were replaced with a feeling of overall tranquility. I felt bonded to some of the staff members I didn't previously have connections with, and I felt even more connected to those that I already knew well. I would recommend this to any staff for a retreat. I would recommend it to schools for their students (I actually did it with my own class shortly after this experience). I would really recommend it to anyone and everyone. If you go into the session with an open mind, that is all you need, Logan will take care of the rest.”

Matthew Janzen
School Teacher

Is Laughter in the Workplace Good for Business?

Absolutely! The advantages of laughter extend to the business world as well. Here are just a few ways laughter can benefit your organization:

Laughter releases endorphins

Acts as an aerobic exercise, like internal jogging

Unleashes inhibitions, breaks down barriers

Great team building tool, encourages better communication

Helps boost immune system, which helps resist dis-ease

Tones muscles, improves respiration and circulation

Encourages positive thinking and creativity

Relaxes the whole body while reducing stress and tension

Perfect for All Teams

Whether your team is remote, hybrid, or in-office, laughter yoga sessions can be tailored to fit your specific needs. Logan LeBlanc guides your team through exercises that encourage participation and connection, leaving everyone energized and ready to tackle challenges together.

Bring Laughter Yoga to Your Team

Ready to transform your team with laughter? Contact Logan to learn more about how laughter yoga can be the perfect addition to your next team-building event.

Laughter Yoga for Teams