Logan LeBlanc

I am a dad, a teacher, and a forever student of life on a journey to inspire more joy, unity, and empowerment into the hearts of everyone I possibly can. I am grateful to be able to find ways to help myself and others heal through laughter, music, meditation, nature, Reiki, yoga, and play every day. I love learning and exploring the natural world while teaching students about their inner nature and how to live in harmony with the two. I encourage everyone I meet, including those reading this right now, to truly believe in their own superpowers. Psst.. your superpower is being you - fully, authentically expressing your awesomeness. No one else is you. Soooooooooo…..


  • Logan was first guided to the Yoga of laughter in 2006 and it really sparked his passion to help humanity heal through laughter, breath, and childlike playfulness. He has been laughing for 35 years and has many years of experience with all ages as a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader.

    He has been guiding K-12 students through time and space with breath, movement, laughter, and play with VYFY (Vinyasa Yoga For Youth) since 2017. He has created kids empowerment programming (Inner Ninja class) with a focus on emotional intelligence, self-regulation and inner confidence. His students started calling him Yogi Logi and it sort of stuck.

    Logan has completed four certificates with Mindful Schools Organization: Mindfulness Fundamentals, Mindful Educator Essentials, Difficult Emotions, and Mindful Communication which has transformed the way he communicates not only to himself, but to all who cross his path.

    Throughout the course of his 11 years of teaching grades K-12 in all subject areas in both French and English, his goal has always been the same - to help his students find calm, confidence, joy, and intrinsic motivation.

    Most recently, Logan has been immersing himself with an outdoor education model. He has jumped feet first into forest school teachings; which has not only helped his students build independence, self-esteem and confidence through hands-on learning in a woodland environment, it has rekindled his passion for adventure learning and practical survival skills. He is adamant that the younger generations need to get outside and connect with nature more frequently for many reasons. The more time they spend in front of a screen will likely lead to an increase in symptoms of NDD (Nature Deficit Disorder) and a decrease in creativity.

    Furthermore, he has completed two 200 hour RYT, 100 hours of Kids Yoga Training, and his Reiki Master Training. His love for learning and sharing what he learns makes him an incredibly charismatic teacher.