I am here to help you have fun being you! My mission is to bring more smiles, laughter, joy, and empowerment to this planet. I offer a variety of unique Laughter Yoga sessions tailored to any age, ability, or environment, whether for teams, events, or individuals. Explore the options below or contact me with any questions.

Saskatchewan’s Laughter Yoga Facilitator

Laughter Yoga is a powerful way to bring your team together, enhance communication, and reduce stress in the workplace. By blending playful laughter exercises with deep breathing techniques, this unique practice helps build trust, boost creativity, and improve overall well-being. Perfect for corporate team-building events, Laughter Yoga fosters an atmosphere of positivity and collaboration, leaving your team energized, connected, and ready to tackle challenges with a smile.

For Teams

”I had no idea what to expect going into Logan’s Laughter workshop, but within minutes I was surprised to be genuinely laughing, connecting to my heart, the hearts of those around me and overall feeling like there is hope in every laugh. Highly recommend!”

Natasha Salaash
Holistic Sex & Intimacy Counselling

”The benefits of laughter yoga are no joke. It will open your heart and make your cheeks ache like you've been laughing all night with your friends!”

Fred Reibin

"Logan’s Laughter Yoga was an uplifting experience. Although I was initially unsure of what to expect, the exercises gradually loosened me up, leaving me smiling and laughing. I highly recommend his workshop for staff events, school assemblies, or any gathering — everyone could use more laughter in their lives!"

Brandon Vukelic
Owner of Phoenix
Ash Memorial

”Logan’s laughter yoga session was phenomenal.  Being an introvert and reluctant to express myself in public, I did not expect to enjoy the experience. I loved the way the laughter made me feel.  I enjoyed learning about how laughter affects us and how fluidly he wove the information into the laughter exercises. It was a neat experience to connect and laugh with the others in the group.  So fun to watch others really light up with the laughter! So many people commented after about how much they enjoyed the experience.”

Janet Muirhead
Community Dietician
File Hills Qu’appelle Tribal Council

”Logan has a certain energy of play about him that makes something that would otherwise feel odd, and out of character, so natural.  The feeling of letting go, and giving in to that playfulness that we often shy away from.  Letting go of the judgements of the mind that inevitably find their way to the surface whenever we do something beyond our comfort zone... is oddly comforting.  Theres no other way to say it, this workshop is just pure goodness for the soul.  No matter what age, or experience you have with yoga, this is opportunity to bring some more life into your life!”

Graham Chabot

"My experience with Laughter Yoga in a group setting left me smiling and laughing for days. It was so simple yet so powerful, helping release the weight of the world. Not one person could keep a straight face if they tried. What a wonderful experience."

Patty Gould

”I participated in a laughter yoga workshop that Logan offered this summer and it was fabulous. I was a little hesitant before the workshop but I was very grateful that I joined it because it was so delightful. Logan was very informative and provided us with a lot of worthwhile and interesting information. He put us completely at ease and provided clear, easy to follow instructions.  Genuine laughter and joy followed each of our exercises. Feelings of joy and connection stayed with me after the workshop. I would recommend Logan's Laughter Yoga to anyone who would like more joy in their day.”

Grace Staples

Inner Nature Adventure Camp (INAC)

For Kids

At Inner Nature Adventure Camp (INAC), we believe every child deserves a chance to shine as their unique, authentic selves. This fun and empowering camp focuses on emotional intelligence, self-regulation, and building inner confidence through a nature-based curriculum. Campers will explore their inner nature, connect with the natural world, and develop valuable life skills. Through activities like mindfulness, breathwork, and creative games, children learn to navigate their emotions, cultivate self-awareness, and respond thoughtfully to life's challenges. INAC provides a nurturing environment where kids can embrace their individuality while enjoying the healing power of nature.

Some of Inner Nature’s happy customers

Logan's aim is for you to leave his workshops feeling:

  • a decrease in stress hormones

  • an increase in kindness

  • a glow of gratitude in your heart

  • a grounded connection to your inner child


“The more people we have laughing, the less people we will have fighting.”

Logan laughs for the health of it—and you can too!